Connecting People and Ideas in the Hearing Voices Movement

Become a Board Member

Intervoice’s next AGM will be taking place during the World Hearing Voices Congress in November (Melbourne, Australia). In line with our constitution and our new status as a charity, we will be holding elections for board members.

All full members have voting rights and are welcome to stand for election. This page details the process of standing as, or voting for, a board member. If you have any questions about this process, please contact [email protected]


Who Can Stand for Election as a Board Member?

Any full member is welcome to stand for election to the board. A full member is someone who has joined (either online or by filling in a form) and paid their fees. If you would like to stand for election but have not yet joined as a full member, please make sure you have completed your membership application and paid you fees before submitting your nomination form.

See: Join Us – become a member for more information on becoming a full member.

How Many Places Are There on the Board?

There are a total of 8 places on the board. As this is our first election, all current board members will also be standing for re-election.

How Do I Stand for Election?

To stand for election, you must:

  • Complete an application form and return it to us by 27 October 2013.
  • Find a current member of Intervoice to sponsor you (if you do not know any other members, please email Intervoice at [email protected] and tell us a little about why you’d like to be part of the Intervoice board and what skills you’d bring to it. We will try to help you find someone willing to sponsor you).
  • Prove that you have support of your sponsor by getting them to sign your form or sending us an email of support before the 27 October 2013.
  • Be willing to have their supporting statement displayed on the Intervoice website
  • Be willing to take part in the election email discussion list (so that members can ask you, and other nominees, questions)
  • Be a full member of Intervoice and have paid your membership fees by 27 October 2013.


Board members will be elected by members’ vote, either in person at the AGM or by proxy vote if they are not able to attend.

All full Intervoice members will be invited to take part in an election email discussion list. This provides a members-only space to find out more about the candidates, ask them questions and engage in a discussion. This is intended to help the membership decide who to vote for, and provide a more even playing field where all candidates can be judged on their words and actions rather than their reputation alone.

We will write to all members at the end of October to tell them who is standing for election and the process for voting in person and by proxy (for those who are unable to attend in person).

Essential Documents

Please read the information attached and, if you wish to go ahead, complete the application form and send it to Intervoice by 27th October 2013.

Trustee Information (find out what being a Trustee at Intervoice involves)

Intervoice Articles of Association for a Charitable Company (the Constitution)

The Essential Trustee – Charity Commission Guidance (inc your legal responsibilites)

Intervoice 2012 YE Accounts

Trustee Nomination Form

Intervoice was set up to support the International Hearing Voices Movement, celebrating the diversity and creativity within it. We do what we can to share information and connect people with groups, networks and resources.

World Hearing Voices Day Postcard